Sourdough Bread Making Classes for Home Cooks

Sourdough Bread can be made by anyone, don't let all the information on the internet scare you from getting started! Whether you are just getting started, looking to expand on what you know or wanting to add some new sourdough recipes to your repertoire you can find it here.

I recommend my Introduction to Sourdough Bread Making course as a prerequisite to my other classes.

Elle Crevits, Elle Chef owner

I’m Elle, the head chef in my house!

I started teaching cooking classes out of my home kitchen in 2018. I had no intention of starting a business, I was just on a personal path to change my own habits around food.

I was focused on making more food from scratch, eating less processed foods, simplifying my pantry and reducing my waste. I loved sharing with people what I was learning through this process, and I accidentally started a business.

I am not a professionally trained chef, I am a home cook. My approach is practicality first, if it doesn't fit into your lifestyle than its not going to be a sustainable change, my teaching method reflects that.

I hope to bake with you soon,

- Elle